Home Page


Willow Grove Primary School


Hello and welcome to our school website.

At Willow Grove School we continually strive to provide the very best for your children and their social, emotional and mental health needs. 

This has meant that we have continued to develop our offer in the school.  Through research inquiry, intensive CPD and through seeking the knowledge of colleagues working within the field of SEMH, Willow Grove has changed the direction of support offered to our children in school.  Working with the full support of our Governing Body the school now supports our children through an attachment and trauma lens.  Historically relationships have always been an outstanding feature of the school.  Never have they been more important than they are right now as our children's needs are so varied and incredibly complex.  We no longer use traditional reward and consequence philosophies that are based in positive behaviour management theories and strategies.  By developing a fuller, clearer understanding of the needs of the child and patiently developing relationships over time we aim to support the development of intrinsic curiosity and motivation within our children.

This has been, and will continue to be, a very challenging journey for the school.  But we believe it is the best way for our children to become lifelong learners and positive members of their own communities.   


We are a very friendly school that knows the importance of making the school environment and the curriculum offer just right for the children that need it the most. We are in it for the long term and are working towards being a non-exclusion school.

We are developing a skilled team of staff who are constantly striving to give support to our children in a variety of creative ways based on a full understanding of needs.

We work to develop trust so that the children will have a secure base from which to explore their understanding of their immediate worlds and the wider world.


As the Acting Head Teacher of this school I am really proud of the hard working, dedicated staff and of what our children learn to do and achieve in our school environment.


If you like a paper copy of any of the information on the school website or would like to know any more about us then please give us a call at school and our admin team will be happy to support you further. 


01942 727717 and ask for Ms Brown or Ms Sergeant


Thank you 


Pamela Bolton

Acting Head Teacher





