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Autumn 2

In our DT lesson we looked at different materials we could use to make a shelter. We tested them to see if they were water and wind proof. We also used the saws to cut our wood to the current length.

We are looking at our digestive system in Science this half term, we looked at what part our teeth play in this. We then used eggs to represent our teeth and put them in different liquids to see the effects it had on the egg shell.

Our History topic for this half term is The Tudors. We looked at Henry VIII and what happened to his wives. The boys enjoyed role playing being Henry and his wives.

We loved playing in the snow!

We continued to look at digestion in science. We did an experiment to show how the floor travels through our digestion system. The boys could tell us all the different parts of the digestion process, they weren’t too keen on the poo part at the end.
