Home Page


Mrs Fowler, Mrs Curson, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Plumbley would like to welcome you to Ash Class’ homepage.

Here you will find information about what we are learning about in the coming half-term as well as pictures and videos of us working hard. We will update this regularly so please keep coming back to see what we have been up to.



Here is this half-term's curriculum information:
Brody & Mrs Kelly went on a school trip to Hinning House in the Lake District

The children used lots of their maths skills by baking - weighing, measuring, mixing, timing, and sometimes even estimating



27th January 2020:  This week’s positive play
Class creativity
Starting our week with positive play

We would like to introduce you to the wonderful tortoise, Yuki

Our little bakers preparing for our annual Macmillan Coffee morning 2019

Macmillan Coffee prep

Some of our Ash Class joined Team Oak when they had some visitors into school teaching us about teeth. We reminded ourselves of how many times per day we should brush and for how long. We also considered healthy and unhealthy snacks that we should choose and avoid. Thank you to Kelly and Ashley from Boutique Dental 23 in Ashton for coming to visit us. 