This week we have looked at Easter. We have looked at the Easter story and made our own cross with our handprint. We have also made chocolate Easter nests and painted our own eggs.
Today in English we completed a taste test of different foods, we talked about whether we liked them or not and picked words to describe them.
This week in English we have been looking at birds, today we decorated our own bird feeders.
In Maths we made fairy cakes to fit in with our Fairy Glen topic. We discussed the importance of following a recipe and measuring out ingredients.
This week in computing we have been looking at coding using purple mash.
This week in DT as part of our English work we looked at adverts and how they persuade people to buy things. We then created our own product. Here is a series of photos to show how we investigated, planned and produced our product.
Today in PSHE we used our senses to explore different textures, and smells with some messy play.
As part of our PSHE lesson we are looking at our physical development. We have started to do the daily mile each morning and we have been taking part in different activities to help us with our physical development.
- Throwing and catching
- Balancing
- Hand eye coordination
- Turning left and right
This term in PSHE we have been doing special play, as part of our relationship building. We have used, sand, water, gloop, gelli bath, small world, dressing up, construction toys and different games.
In P.E today we focused on concentration, aim and skill to get our tennis ball into the hoop.
Happy New Year everyone from Team Alder! We hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas break. This is not the start that we had hoped for but we have to adapt accordingly and make the best of this situation.
Home learning
It is our plan to send home, home learning packs for each child. Each pack will include, English, Maths, Science and Topic and the packs should be completed for the days they are at home with you. Children’s readings books will be sent home with an activity booklet. Please return the reading book once your child is able to read them fluently.
Please return all completed work to school the next day they attend school. If there are any questions, please give us a call,
Today we enjoyed our school Christmas dinner and a dance after.
Christmas cake competition
We worked as a team to make our Christmas cake for the school cake competition.
This week in English we read the story, Knock Knock Pirate and practised writing our own sentences. We also created our own treasure chest and filled it with treasure.
This week in English we have been developing our skills to create a story. We used story bags to help us.
This week in DT we have been looking at houses and designing our own.
1. Investigation - Our first step was to investigate different kinds of houses, by looking at different pictures and to see how they are the same or different. We then thought about the design of the houses and what was good/bad about them.
2/3 - Developing the technical knowledge and skills, and Designing.
Today we drew a design of our house and we tested materials to see which were strong, waterproof and looked nice.
4 - Making - Today we got the materials that we needed and built our houses. We used different materials, wood, plastic or cardboard and decorated them with paint. Look at our amazing designs!
This week we have been looking at messy play in our PSHE lesson, we explored different materials and textures like, jelly, rice, custard and more. We really enjoyed using all our senses to explore these things.
This week in PSHE we are focusing on our speaking and listening through barrier games.
As part of our PSHE (with a link to our Science animals including human) we went outside and investigated our senses and the body parts associated with them.
This afternoon we carved our pumpkins together in class getting ready for Halloween.
This afternoon we enjoyed dressing up in our Halloween outfits, then playing guess what’s in the Halloween trick bucket, we had spiders, slimy sand, mud and worms, paint, and lentils and spiders.Then we went trick or treating around school to different classes.
The children really enjoyed our trip to Haigh Hall today, we explored the woods and found some dens to hide in, we then went and played on the park.
This term in PE we are looking at multi sports and practising our skills.
This week in P.E we practiced being superheroes
This week in PE we practiced going under over and through.
In PE this week some of the children enjoyed practicing doing a front flip using the equipment.
This week in R.E we discussed the nativity story.
This week in Art we have looked at Van Gogh we looked at the different styles of paintings he did. Then we practiced and developed our skills of colour mixing, brush strokes and patterns and textures.
This term in topic we are looking at World War 1. This week we have made Poppy wreaths using our handprints and then had a 2 minute silence on Remembrance Day.
This week in Fun Club we played musical hoops, thumb wars, wrapped each other up as a tortilla wrap, and played tug of war.