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Autumn 1


This term in Maths we are looking division, we have had fun doing this in different ways and with different objects. The class have really done well with this and have tried really hard. We have also looked at multiplication and have looked at the 2's,5's and 10's


We have looked at the story of Cave baby. We have read the story and are now finding different ways of re-telling the story, we have done this verbally, visually and also written.


In Science we are looking at animals and their habitats. We had fun looking at where they all lived and their different classification. We also looked at the sad part of how we can destroy their habitat.


This term we have been studying the Stone Age. We looked at the time line of the period and the places they lived in. The class had fun pretending to be hunter gatherers around the school finding all the different food the Stone Age people ate. We finished off the topic by looking at the cave paintings they did. We made our own cave picture on both paper and on clay. The class had so much fun using the clay to create their own cave art.

Class reader

This term we have read the christmassaurus by Tom Fletcher.
