Willow Grove School Admissions
Willow Grove School is Wigan Local Authority Primary School Provision for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties. Some of our children have significant secondary needs such as complex learning difficulties, ADHD, Attachment and Trauma related difficulties, Autism or Genetic Disorders that affect their presenting behaviours. The Local Authority has a comprehensive admission policy and advice is available to all parents via the following link:
Please contact the Local Authority to enquire about the admission and appeal arrangements.
Some children may struggle socially and emotionally in their mainstream school and it may affect their learning and ability to be a positive member of their class. For these children it could be helpful to call in other professionals who can offer additional strategies to support children in their mainstream schools. If this is still not sufficient then there is the offer of an Education, Health and Care Plan. This is written jointly with families and the professionals involved with the child. With flexible, creative teamwork around them, these children can often continue to have their needs met within mainstream provision.
A few children, despite having an EHC plan and the continuing support of other professionals will continue to struggle in mainstream provision. Parents, teachers and support staff will notice that the strategies put in place to support the child are not working effectively. These children will continue to struggle despite the best efforts of the people around them. These children do not thrive educationally or emotionally in a mainstream setting. It is also possible that these children may be adversely affecting the behaviour or learning of other children around them. If the best offer of the mainstream school cannot support the child then the Local Authority Special Educational Needs and Disability officer (SEND officer) will consult with the Head Teacher at Willow Grove School to investigate if the child’s needs can be better met in specialist provision. All available information regarding the child’s needs will be scrutinised by the Head Teacher and sometimes the Head Teachers of the other specialist provision in Wigan. This will ensure that the best educational support is offered to the child and their families.
The amount of time it takes for a child to transfer from a mainstream school to Willow Grove School varies greatly depending on many factors. The Local Authority and the Head Teacher will work to ensure that the transition for each child is planned and supported appropriately to best meet individual needs.
Our School's admissions number (PAN) is 72.
The Local Authority is the admissions body for Willow Grove Primary School. You can find out more about the SEND Local offer by using the following link: I'm a Parent (wigan.gov.uk)
Wigan Local Offer provides information of services which could support children and young people with SEN:
The Autism Pathway and Service work with schools, teachers and parents to help support children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), you will find further information at the link below:
Or if you prefer to speak to someone please call Wigan SENDS team on 01942 486136