Home Page


Welcome to Team Elm

 Welcome to Team Elm! 

 We are a mixed-year class and our teacher is Mrs.Latham. The other grown-ups who work in our class with us are Mrs.Jackson, Mrs. Cox, Miss. Baratinsky and Miss. Yates.


Summer 2- Curriculum Information for Parents

Inflatable fun!

An ice-cream picnic in the park

Save the Rainforest!

Watch out mealworm!!!

Still image for this video

Reptiles, reptiles everywhere!

Curriculum Information for Parents Summer 1 2021

Beside (and under!) the sea

The Life Caravan (and Harold!) came to vist

Race for Life

Litter picking-Looking after our environment

Curriculum Information for Parents Spring 2

Design Technology- Design and Make

The Great Comic Relief Bake Off!

World Book Day 2021

Design Technology-Investigating Pies

Positive Mental Health

 This week we have been exploring ways to develop positive mental health. We completed activities from ‘The Five Ways to Wellbeing’ which we will revisit regularly. 



This morning, Chef Elm made breakfast for our class-yum!

Shrove Tuesday comes early to Ash Class

Home Learning 2021

Big Garden Birdwatch

This week have been developing our map reading skills

Our Local Area

Place 2 Be - Art Project

Snow fun!

Curriculum Information for Parents Autumn 2

Design Technology - Bridges

 Keep checking back for our final result! 

Christmas Cake Competition

Elm play the glockenspiel!

Narrative Writing

On the Home Front