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Autumn 1

Our curriculum information for parents can be found here:

Science - living things and their habitats 


We investigated the microhabitats around our school 


We explored the school grounds to hunt for some minibeasts we found some woodlouse in their natural microhabitats! 


Today in PE we learned passing techniques and tricks using basket balls.


We practiced the different types of passing and had a shooting competition to see how far away we could throw a basketball and get it in the net . 




Today in Theraplay we played a game called breakout, where our hands were tied together with paper and we had to break out. We also set ourselves a challenge of how long we could keep a balloon up in the without it falling on the floor.

Maths - number and place value 

In maths we have been practising how to write numbers in four ways.



Today Cherry class ate their dinner outside while the sun was shining.

Topic: History

This half term our topic is Bronze Age to Iron Age. We are tracking the progress of Britain through the Bronze Age and seeing how life in Britain changed (and why!) through to the Iron Age. 

We learnt about how Bronze was mined, and looked at pictures, videos and even bronze and rock ore from a local Bronze Age Mine - The Great Orme in Wales. We smashed up rock from the mine and found quartz inside which we got to keep. 
