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Morning!! Happy Wednesday!! Here is our stuff for today!! Enjoy! (wonder who is gonna win the maths challenge?)cool

Maths challenge! Using the code a=1, b=2, c=3 etc, think of a word to describe your mum and try to get as near to 100 as possible!

Here is my go... b e a u t i f u l... 2+5+1+21+20+9+6+21+12=96!!!

Happy Tuesday guys!! have a go at the following activities (which would have been today's challenges!!)

See you all soon!!!

Hey-hope we are all back together soon. Have a go at these challenges (the work we would have been doing today!

Happy Monday!!!

Happy New Year Team Beech! It’s a shame we can’t all be together in school, but we have to make the best of a bad situation.


Below are some links for online learning whilst you are at home as well as your home learning packs that include English, Maths and reading.

IF YOU ARE LEARNING FROM HOME WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE PICTURES OF YOUR WORK! Email them to school so we can see what you have been doing :)


Click on the image to access the website.


I have also included Newsround to keep you up to date with what is happening in the world.


Premier sports have also put together a resource pack and a link to their YouTube channel for some physical activities parents and children can do together at home.


Below the images you will find some worksheets and activities you can do at home to keep your brain active.




