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Autumn 2

Elm class enjoyed making Christmas shortbreads

Elm class designed their own star based on our story in English “Alfie’s star”

Elm class Autumn 2

Someone stole Alfie’s star! Elm class were sent on a scavenger hunt to solve the clues and retrieve the stolen star to give back to Alfie. For all the hard work elm class also got haribos :)

We have moved up a unit in our sounds write sessions - we are now accessing unit 7 and unit 9.


We enjoyed a morning of baking cookies and learning how to clean and wash up after we have used equipment. We enjoyed eating our cookies watching a Christmas film in golden time.

11/11/2024 - we took part in a 2 minute silence to pay our respects to the people who fought in the war. Veterans visited us at school so we could ask lots of questions to them about their roles in the military.

In Theraplay we worked on friendships, bullying, relationships. Today we played a game working on trust and listening to each other. Keeping each other safe, whilst helping them manoeuvre around as they were blindfolded.

In Maths, we have started on a New Topic about Money, Monetary Value, Coins and Notes. We added our coins together to make the values asked in different ways.

During Theraplay we have worked on Friendships, Relationships, Accepting Differences, Feelings and Following Rules and Instructions. We have played games that help with their understanding of positive touch, working with each other and tolerance.

As part of our English scheme we have been reading the story Alfie’s star. We have thought of lots of describing words and places we can find stars to put them into our own sentences.

Elm class have been learning to tell the time to o,clock and half past. We have had lots of interactive lessons that have involved sweets and treats for the correct times.
