This term in Maths we are looking at time. We are focusing on o'clock and half past. The class are really enjoying looking at different times and figuring it out.
We are currently looking at the story of Dick Whittington. As a class we have read the story and are now breaking it down into different parts and way of re-telling it. The class have had so much fun drawing their own version of the story and re-telling it to staff.
In Science we are looking at digestion. We are starting by looking at the mouth. We have studied the different teeth we have and how they are made up. We have also looked at the importance of brushing our teeth. We have used a large mouth which the children had fun playing with and brushing its teeth.
We will be learning all about the Tudors this term. We have looked at the different Kings and Queens that have been and the importance of the monarchy. The children have looked at the Tudor rose and then designed their own version
Class reader
This term we have read the Christmassarus and the Winter Witch by Tom Fletcher. The class have been so engrossed in the story and really enjoyed it.