We have been back at school now for 5 weeks and I wanted to take the time to check in with you all. I hope you and your families are okay and that you are adjusting to the new rules that we have to live by at the moment. I thought I would bring you up to date on how school is doing.
We still have 3 class bubbles across the school and the classes are still working and playing within their bubbles as much as possible. The staff do cross bubbles when they need to and some of the children cross bubbles when they need individual support or particular members of staff but, at these times, we really try to maintain social distancing. The staff and children are still regularly washing their hands and we continue to provide anti-bacterial gel to all staff and children. There are anti-bacterial surface wipes and baby wipes available to all classes and every class has detergent spray to clean as they go. As ever our children do not all understand the concept of social distancing and although we do remind them it is really hard for them.
We continue to update our risk assessments as needed and we risk assess each new event as it occurs. For instance, we will be training 4 of our staff to drive the school mini bus in the next few weeks and an individual risk assessment will be written for this activity.
Willow Grove receives daily updates from the Local Authority, the DFE and from Government. This is then implemented where needed. At the end of this letter I have posted some useful links for parents/ carers to use if you want any further support.
We have had quite a few families, children and staff who have been for testing. So far we have not had any positive results. We continue to be vigilant over the symptoms in school and we ask that you do the same at home. Do not send your child to school if they present with any of the following symptoms:
Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms. If you are at all worried or confused about the symptoms being presented, then just give school a call and we will help you all we can.
Please remember the Rule of 6 and do not allow your children to play in larger groups. If you are self-isolating then please remember to follow the Stay at Home Guidance from Government. The link is at the end of this letter.
It continues to be a very challenging time for everyone and school is no different. We are striving to continue to provide a full education for your child and school is settling well considering the disruption it is facing on a daily basis. If you feel you need anything else from school, please call and speak to Mrs O’Neill and Mrs Nicholls or ask for your child’s class teacher who will be happy to speak with you at the end of the day.
Thank you for your continued support and please take care.
Mrs Murphy
Here are some useful links to the latest guidance for you and your families:
Flow Chart for Covid-19 Symptoms