23rd October 2020
Dear Families
I thought I would have a quick catch up with you as we finish our first half term in the new school year.
The children and staff have worked really hard and they have produced some lovely work – have a look on the school website in their class pages and you might just see a picture of your little one. It has been lovely to see everyone back in school with their friends and getting used to the new routines and taking part in education again.
I also wanted to say a big thank you to all of our families for all your support over the last 8 weeks. It has been an extremely challenging time for everyone and it has helped that you have all been so supportive as we have worked to keep your children and our staff safe in school.
As you are aware, the school will be closed for October half term from today for 1 week. We will return to school on Monday 2nd November. However, if your child is currently waiting to take a test or to receive the results of a test, I would be very grateful if you could continue to follow the process of informing the school if there is a positive result. This is so I can work with Contact Tracing Services to ensure our families are kept up to date if they need to self-isolate over the holiday period. To facilitate this process, over the half term we are asking you to email: enquiries@admin.willowgrove.wigan.sch.uk if you do have a positive result at any point through the holidays. Alternatively, you can call 01942 727717 and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
By continuing to let us know if your child tests positive, we can notify and advise you and any close contacts with regards to the length of isolation and the date that your child/close contacts can return to school, to safely ensure that risk of transmission is reduced.
Should your child receive a positive result you should inform us as outlined above and follow the Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
It is very important that you and your child follow the above guidance should your child test positive and isolate for the required period, to help reduce the spread of infection. This includes not attending any play schemes, youth provision, leisure centres or sports activities etc. which may have been planned for the school holidays.
Should your child be identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive within the school, you will be contacted by the school and informed about the required isolation period and date your child can return to school. It is important that you follow the advice and guidance in relation to the isolation period to help reduce the spread of infection. Further information on the relevant guidance can be found on our school website.
Once again, thank you for your support, and please have a very safe and peaceful half term break.
Mrs Murphy