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Letter from Mrs Murphy to pupils

25th March 2020


Hello children, it’s Mrs Murphy.


I just wanted to say hello to you all. 


It feels very strange to have so few children in school and I am missing you sharing all your lovely work with me.  I wonder if you are thinking of school as well? 


We have been told by our Government that we have to stay at home and no one is allowed to go out to see their friends.   It all feels very odd.  It is time to give our town and country a big clean and the best way to do that is to stay in our houses and stay with our families.


I hope you are being good for your mums and dads. Your teachers are all thinking of you and they are wondering what you have been up to.  They will be phoning you soon to have a chat and a catch up.


As soon as the people who make the rules tell me it’s ok to come back to school I will let you know.


Be happy and safe children and be good for your mums and dads.  Look after the people you live with; we will see you all soon.


Mrs Murphy

