3rd April 2020
Hello everyone.
I thought I would write to say hello and to keep you up-to-date with how things are in school.
I hope you are managing to stay safe in your homes. Social distancing is very unsettling and for grown-ups and little ones alike, not to be able to see friends, family and loved ones is really hard. However, we know that for the sake of our NHS frontline workers and for our own school staff it is the best thing to do – so please make sure you are staying isolated to protect our NHS and our school. We will continue to provide the best support we can and to stay available for as long as we can but we need your help to do it so please remember to stay isolated to keep us all safe.
School is still functioning although it looks and feels very different. The building is very quiet and the few children who are in are quiet with it. There is a very eerie feel to it all. I really miss the noise and the bustle and I am looking forward to the time when our community is back together and I can hear and see children everywhere I look.
The staff are working really hard to make sure they stay in touch with everyone and you should hear from your child’s class teacher at least once a week. You should also expect a call from our Safeguarding Leads here in school. Mrs Fowler, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Latham or myself, will be calling once a week or more, to check in with you on a personal level. We might speak with your children to say hello and we will want to know if there is anything you need from us that may support you at home. If you think you need anything from us, then just speak up and we will help in whatever way we can.
The website is proving a vital way to keep in touch and the teachers are filling it with activities for our children to have a go at. As I said before – please do not feel the pressure of having to complete everything, just dip in and out as you can manage but remember, we would love to see what you are all getting up to at home so send your pictures or comments to homelearning@willowgroveprimary.org.uk and Mr Finn will upload them to our gallery then everyone can see what you are doing.
New routines will be hard to establish - just do the best you can. Remember you are more than enough for your family and you are doing a great job.
Take care of everyone and I’ll be in touch soon.
Joanna Murphy