Hello families
Well, here we are at the start of another half term. I hope the half term break was ok for you all, even though it may have been quiet for you.
You will have seen this week that as part of a 4 step roadmap for England, the Prime Minister has given consent for all children to return to school on Monday 8th March. Our children at Willow Grove need a gradual reintroduction to their class groups and the routines of school so they are returning using a planned, phased approach. Since Monday 22nd February we have begun slowly bringing our children back into school. This phased approach will take us passed the 8th March for a few children. This is being done in the best interest of the children and their class teams. Myself or Mrs Bolton will already have spoken with you to think about what will work best for your own child and we will continue to speak with you to make sure that your child’s return to school is successful.
The full curriculum offer is available to all of the children. The staff are available and will continue to call any child and family who are at home during the week. They will be supplying the remote learning offer for your child’s particular needs.
It is still vitally important that we continue to protect each other as the virus is still in our communities. Washing hands, maintaining social distancing and wearing masks where appropriate is still essential for our school and for you in your wider lives. The virus has not gone away and to maintain the Road Map for everyone we all need to continue to be aware and support each other.
If anyone would like to discuss the return to school for their child then please call school and we will be happy to speak with you.
Please remember to stay safe at home and do not mix with anyone outside your bubble. Keep 2m apart and don’t let your children play out in groups with others. This will help to keep our school staff as safe as possible. We are still not letting visitors into school unless it is absolutely necessary and this will continue for the foreseeable future. If you collect your child from school please remember to respect the people around you.
Once again I will take the opportunity to thank the staff team here at school who all work so hard for your children every day.
Can I also thank you as families for your continued support of the school and your children. Let’s hope that with everyone’s cooperation and support we can very soon welcome our families back into the building and our school community can share good times ahead.
Thank you and stay safe.
Mrs Murphy